Case Study Information

  • Project Name:Iridium Rig Inspection Tool
  • Industry: Energies Sector
  • Complete:Date June 2012
  • Type:CMMS Solution
  • Partners:

    LOLER (Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.) Details available here
    LEEA (Lifting Equipment Engineering Association.) Details available here
    DROPS (Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme) Details available here

LOLER Standard
LEEA Methodology
DROPS Scheme

Statement of Requirement

The customer had a system which made use of an Access Database and Excel Spreadsheets to implement a survey and inspection such as Lifting Gear on an oil rig. The solution was to upgrade the database and add a reporting tool that replaced the spreadsheets. In addition to this the inspection needed to be completed on the oil rig with or without access to the Internet. Each inspected component had to be photographed with a time stamp and date. Inspectors had to be validated as competent along with any equipment used during the inspection. The related Certificate of Conformance for each component needed to be validated.


Database, it was important that there was clarity in the data that was to be posted. Therefore, a methodology for the criteria of the inspection needed to be agreed and have a simple implementation. This was achieved by using the principals found in LEEA which is designed to ensure that an inspection would meet the required LOLER Standard. App and tablet for offshore inspections. An Android operating system was selected for the tablet base on cost and flexibility. The inspection app was designed for the tablet and installed, this allowed the inspector to downloaded an assigned inspection from mainframe, then during the process of inspection they can upload interim/completed reports.

Testing and Development

Testing was one of the key challenges was testing the software as the inspections were annual. This problem was resolves when partnering with a global client to implement beta testing. This approach was beneficial as it made use of skilled inspection personnel who were able to help to remove and improve processes, giving use a greater understanding of the requirements in a live environment.

Development, like most industries there is always updating of process to improve services. Therefore changes in the software is needed, as a result we use our own servers ensuring the platform for the application is secure, equally we built into the software methods to upgrade any changes in standers. Having operated this software solution for 10 years and our customer having serviced 10 customer and 53 inspections! all successfully in countries such as UK, Spain, Albania, Australia, Greece, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Grana, Mexico, Angola and Bulgaria.

It was decided to develop a SaaS solution for the application, this means it’s on the shelf ready to go! If you would like a demo please contact us.